Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 高级培训

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) allows Java developers to create Web 2.0-ready AJAX front ends. GWT compiles these Java artifacts into optimized JavaScript for all major browsers. This GWT base training course provides a foundation in developing front-end modules with GWT widgets, panels, events and other mechanisms.

GWT 基础培训课程

课时: 2天, 开发工具: GWT, Eclipse

GWT 基础培训目的

发现GWT Java仿真器的能力与不足.
学习使用 GWT DOM 管理.
学习检索和显示在GWT Forms中的外部链接.

GWT 高级培训大纲

1. 使用模块
• GWT Modules
• Module Structure
• Module Paths and Resources
• Use External Modules
• Modularization within GWT
• Modularizing An Application
• Setting paths and resources in GWT Modules

2. GWT用户接口
• More on GWT User Interfaces
• Using PushButton
• Using DecoratorPanel
• Using AbsolutePanel
• HTMLPanel
• FocusPanel
• Split Panels
• Using StackPanel
• Using TabPanel
• Using DeckPanel
• Using Menus in GWT
• Using a Tree in GWT
• Using SuggestBox
• GWT RichTextArea Editing

3. 使用CSS
• Syling with CSS in GWT
• Providing Syles to Widgets
• Dependent Syles in Widgets

4. 创建组合部件
• Composite GWT Widgets
• Develop Composite Widgets
• Using Composite Widgets

5. 测试
• Testing and Debugging GWT modules
• JUnit Testing Concepts
• GWT Unit Testing with GWTTestCase
• Benchmarking with GWT
• Benchmarking own Data Services
• GWT System Testing
• Testing Practices for GWT

6. Java仿真
• Java Emulation in GWT
• Java Language Subset in GWT
• Java Library Support in GWT
• vailable Java Classes and Features in GWT
• Restrications on Java in GWT

7. 高级GWT连接
• Advanced GWT Connectivity
• Stateful and Stateless Servers
• GWT Serialization
• Using Stateful Servers
• Handle Exceptions

8. 客户端RPC架构
• Client-Side RPC Architecture
• Client-Side Pull versus Push
• Polling Protocols

9. 服务端集成选项
• More Server Integration Options in GWT
• Manipulate XML DOM
• Use and Parse JSON
• JSON Types in GWT
• Using JSONP
• Making HTTP Requests

10. GWT JavaScript 本地接口
• GWT JavaScript Native Interface
• Invoke JSNI from Java
• Invoke Javascript from within Java
• Java Callback from external Javascript
• Use Javasript Objects in Java

11. GWT最佳实践
• Security Issues
• Performance Concerns
• The GWT IncrementalCommand class
• Caching in GWT
• GWT Design Considerations
• GWT Pitfalls and Issues


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